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datememe is a new worldwide 100% free premium online dating service. With datememe it takes seconds to sign u...


Store review

datememe is a new worldwide 100% free premium online dating service. With datememe it takes seconds to sign up and to receive your first matches.

Many dating sites claim to be free but then after you sign up you find out there are restrictions on what you can do or who you can send messages to.

At datememe we provide a premium dating service but have absolutely no restrictions or paid features. Our guarantee is that all users will receive the same exact experience with no exceptions.

Check out all these features that are available for FREE on datememe:

Sign up and create a profile from any country in the world no restrictions
Upload as many photos from your phone or from Facebook as you like
Receive compatible matches daily
Find out when another user read your message
Find out when other users were last online
Unlimited messages with anyone and you choose how long we store your messages
See who has viewed your profile
Create friends lists and block profiles
Use our realtime chat to meet new people and get to know them before sharing any personal details
Use markdown to send rich content messages in realtime
Search for users based on specified interests
Communicate in our forums to schedule events and meetups in your local area
Find local singles around you

A few things you should know:
Use datememe from any device that is capable of browsing the internet
• We make it virtually impossible for someone to impersonate you or read your private messages by using SSL security for all communication.
You must be at least 18 years old to download and use this app
• No fake users or spammers will be tolerated on datememe
Upload of adult content is strictly prohibited and monitored

Any questions please email us at

See you online!

Store rating


out of

6 reviews


5.7 MB

Last update

June 11, 2020

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