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Quotes Creator - Quote Maker

Share your own thoughts or Words with picture. Create beautiful inspirational text pictures and sayings images...


Store review

Share your own thoughts or Words with picture. Create beautiful inspirational text pictures and sayings images for Instagram. Add poems or quotes to a photo and share your thoughts on Instagram. You can also add your own watermark, logo and QR code over image.

Quotes Creator is the best and easiest way to create and share your quotes with the world. Quotes Creator ready with customizing options such as background, text colors, text size, and fonts, or you can choose your photo from your Photo Gallery to be used as background, so you can share your own quotes with your friends.

Quotes Creator is a perfectly built with good design (UI) and user experience.
After customizing your own quote, you can save / share with the world via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or other apps.


- Beautiful and user friendly design.
- Set amazing background from gallery and put your precious words on picture and share with world.
- We Provides huge quotes library with beautiful Inspiration, Motivational, Life and Love Quotes by Authors and Topics. So, you can put inspiring quotes on your own background.
- 55+ Amazing in built fonts and background templates.
- You can set Font colors and Size.
- Add text to pictures
- Add inspiring words to images
- Add captions to photos
- You can give photo effects like Blur, Brightness, Saturation, Contrast and Colors to your background.
- You can set Shadow in text
- Background Color - you can set your favorite color as a background
- Share with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and other apps.
- 100+ unique and creative font choices
- You can Choose backgrounds from high quality background collections.
- You can save your own template
- Manage template : Put your favorite template first.
- Choose fantastic quotes randomly
- Extensive collection of quotations by famous authors
- Add text on photos

There are 20 high quality wallpapers and backgrounds packages.

1. Artistic
2. Love
3. Nature
4. Night
5. Light
6. Grunge
7. Texture
8. Paper
9. Dreamy
10. Star
11. Space
12. Christmas
13. Spring
14. Winter
15. Geometric
16. Autumn
17. Cloudy
18. Water Color
19. Floral Texture
20. Poster Mockup


Thanks for all the support and suggestion! Your feedback is hugely important and we're working hard to make this app awesome.

- We change the photo cropping functionality as per suggestion by our precious user @Sophie Biesboer.
Now user can set their background's dimension whatever they want.
- As per suggestion by @AmyDenise66, We put recent text quotes function. So, now user can store their recent quotes.

We love your feedback/suggestion - send us an email at anytime!


Check out what our users have been making by searching for #QuotesCreator on Instagram!
"Get Inspired, Stay Inspired" with our awesome gallery by finding us @QuotesCreatorApp on Instagram.


We can't contact you through your review so please reach us at - We'll do our best to help you with your issue!

Store rating


out of

9707 reviews


76.0 MB

Last update

June 24, 2020

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