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Describe Me - DescribeMe

Share and link photos that Describe you in six different categories personality, skills, lifestyle, career, lo...


Store review

Share and link photos that Describe you in six different categories personality, skills, lifestyle, career, looks, and relationships.
DescribeMe has users in all 7 continents in over 160 countries and 4600 cities around the world and is available in English and Spanish.
Download now and start sharing your pictures. We guarantee fast and life changing results when you invite friends, family and colleagues to join and use DescribeMe. Discover why thousands of people around the world already joined this FREE, fun, safe and effective data driven platform, you’ll be engaged instantly!

Awesome features:
-Use our fine-tuned search tool to find people or simply scan their QR code to see their profile.

-Use DescribeMe as a reference and word-of-mouth marketing tool in your job interviews or soul mate searching.

-Get DescribeMe in your iPhone, iPad, and use it via web.

We are committed to making DescribeMe better every day, so send us your feedback, comments and any suggestions using the in-app feedback feature or simply drop us a line at We encourage you to interact with us and keep posted on the new exciting features that are coming in next updates!

We encourage you to interact with us and keep posted on the new exciting features that are coming soon!

Twitter: @describemenet

Instagram: @describeme

Facebook: /

DescribeMe is only available for users age 17 and over. Terms of service:

Store rating


out of

1 reviews


24.9 MB

Last update

June 12, 2020

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