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Cost is the most simple, elegant, fast money tracking app for managing your personal finances on the go. Cost...

Expired  $ 0.00 $ 0.99

Store review

Cost is the most simple, elegant, fast money tracking app for managing your personal finances on the go.

Cost gives you the power to manage multiple accounts, categories, tags,
displaying your available balance on the main screen, unique data reports, export as PDF or CSV.

Main Features
- Easy to use
- Shake to Undo/Redo
- iCloud automatic sync
- Create and manage multiple accounts.
- Create and manage multiple categories.
- Passcode Lock
- Custom Date Range for reports
- Quickly add items
- Add Tag/Note
- Elegant stats and reports
- Export reports
- Transfer between accounts

Swipe left or right to change day
Pull down to add new item
Tap above categories list and enter subcategory or tag (when adding an item)
Swipe left or right to edit or delete an item
Swipe left or right in calendar view to change month
Tap an item on the report witch has more then 1 purchase/payment

This app is designed and developed individually by a passionate developer in his spare time.
After using many complicated expense tracking apps, he determined to create a much more useful one.

If you enjoy Cost, please rate it. Thanks!

Store rating


out of

97 reviews


4.3 MB

Last update

Nov. 27, 2019

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