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Tender Alert

Tender Alert app provides useful information about the Government Canada tenders. You can select trends to fol...

Expired  $ 14.99 $ 19.99

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Tender Alert app provides useful information about the Government Canada tenders. You can select trends to follow based on tender category and receive email alerts and reports based on your preferences.


search tenders based on the keyword, region, category or notice type
set configurable tender alerts
schedule tender report emails
view list of tenders
view tender details
filter tenders
search tenders
send ad-hoc tender report email

Tender alerts can be delivered to your email, you can choose to receive PDF reports directly to your inbox, based on your preferences.

You can select how often (monthly, weekly and daily basis) you would like to receive alerts and reports to your inbox.

Report contains a list of active tenders that were announced in past month/week/day.

You can send one Tender Alert Report per day by using Report page in the app.

Report filters the data based on your preferences.

This app contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence Canada.


2.7 MB

Last update

Nov. 27, 2019

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