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Parking Tycoon - Drag Racing

Park on your friend's streets, or catch them parking illegally on yours and write them a huge ticket! Fully ...


Store review

Park on your friend's streets, or catch them parking illegally on yours and write them a huge ticket!

Fully customize your fleet of cars with an array of car modifications that span from whimsical to awesome!

Ticketing is the real fun. The longer you keep cars parked on your friends’ streets, the more money you'll earn, but be careful. Your friends are waiting to steal your cash with ticketing all over the time.

Challenge your friends with your cars in the Drag Racing field!

Game features:
* More than a hundred vehicles to choose that continually unlock as you progress through the game
* Park your cars in such varied locations as urban and rural landscapes as well as in outer space!
* Drag Racing field to challenge your friends!

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Store rating


out of

4522 reviews


52.4 MB

Last update

June 23, 2020

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