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tag:ABOUT POLYGRAF Polygraf system brings universal access to lectures, presentations, business meetings and any ...
Polygraf system brings universal access to lectures, presentations, business meetings and any other kind of events. Even though the main target group are hearing and visually impaired users, the application can provide in the same time helpful features for all audience. Polygraf enables:
1. to display real-time transcript of speech (speech-to-text reporting, CART service) in user’s hand continuously;
2. to display content of presentation screen in user’s hand with option to attach the transcript of speech as subtitles (closed captions).
A professional speech-to-text reporter (CART writer) transcribes real-time spoken word into text using Polygraf Writer application which is another part of Polygraf system (see and the text is broadcasted via a wireless network. In the same time, content of presentation screen provided by a presenter’s computer is captured and broadcasted via the same wireless network as well. This mobile app can receive and display both resources.
Note: Establishing both services in parallel is not a requirement; internet connection is not required.
1. Users can follow the speech-to-text transcript on a mobile device continuously - it allows rather more comfortable and independent use of the speech-to-text service than reading the text from transcriber’s computer or from a central screen in the front; more than one mobile devices can be connected, so more users can follow the transcript in the same time.
- view options of the text (font family, size and color, line-spacing)
- scroll the text back to display earlier portions of it
- basic two-way communication (users can send text messages to speech-to-text reporter)
2. Users can view the content of presentation screen in hand on a mobile device - it brings the legibility of presentations when there is any difficulty to read it from a distance (user’s visual impairment, small size of the presentation, bad light conditions etc.).
- view options of the presentation (zoom, color-inverting, B/W scheme)
- image refresh rate
- option to attach the transcript of speech as subtitles (closed captions)
For further information on other parts of Polygraf system, see
Support Centre for Students with Special Needs
Masaryk University
40.6 MB
Last update
June 28, 2020