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Brainscape - Smart Flashcards

Find, create, and share SMART FLASHCARDS on any device. DOUBLE your learning speed using the most effective st...


Store review

Find, create, and share SMART FLASHCARDS on any device. DOUBLE your learning speed using the most effective study system on the planet. Keep all your content in sync across Brainscape’s website and all your iOS devices.

Brainscape works by personalizing the TIMING of each flashcard repetition, using proven cognitive science. Whether you’re learning a language, preparing for a test, or just acquiring some fun trivia, Brainscape spaces the repetition of each bite-sized concept based on exactly the right interval for YOUR brain.

All you have to do is rate how well you know each concept, on a scale of 1-5, and Brainscape determines the right time to quiz you again. It's strangely addicting and is scientifically proven to slash your required study time.

So where do all of Brainscape’s great flashcards come from? Three places:

THE WORLD’S TOP EXPERTS. Brainscape partners with top publishers, schools, and educators to create flashcards for subjects as diverse as Foreign Languages, MCAT, Music Theory, SAT prep, AP Exams, Series 7 prep, and Sports Trivia.

YOUR PEERS. Top students, professors, teachers, and businesses around the world have created over 1 million subjects that are available to search on our Marketplace.

YOU! You can easily create multimedia flashcards very easily both on Brainscape’s website AND within the app itself. You can also share your decks with your classmates and collaboratively develop content together.

Creating, sharing, and finding great user-generated flashcards is FREE. And Brainscape's new Pro subscription option gives you access to unlimited premium content AND a few minor optional features such as bookmarks and card reversibility.

The Brainscape Pro subscription can be purchased within the app, in billing increments of Monthly ($9.99 billed monthly), Semiannually ($41.99 billed every 6 months), and Annually ($59.99 billed yearly), as well as a Lifetime subscription option for $129.99. The three recurring subscriptions will renew automatically within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period, unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the period. You can cancel auto-renewal any time by going to Account Settings; the cancellation will apply after the active subscription period is complete. Feel free to learn more about our Terms and Privacy Policy at

In the future, Brainscape plans to make our learning system infinitely more efficient, convenient, fun, and social, so please be sure to give us feedback to help us improve the product. It is users like YOU who have helped us reach a community of millions of learners already. Help us create a Brainscape community that spans the whole world of learners!

Store rating


out of

8570 reviews


67.2 MB

Last update

June 30, 2020

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