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PagineBianche (Italian White Pages) app: More than 17 million phone numbers and addresses now on you iPhone an...


Store review

PagineBianche (Italian White Pages) app: More than 17 million phone numbers and addresses now on you iPhone and iPad!

What can you do with this app?

Find phone numbers and addresses of individuals, businesses, institutions… and more. The most comprehensive directory (phone numbers and addresses) of Italy in your smartphone.
Get more contents available for companies and institutions (information, email, images, videos, ...)
See the interactive map
• Be guided to the destination (integration with most popular navigation software is now available)
Add the search result to your phone contact list or to your calendar
Share search results with anyone by SMS, email, Facebook and Twitter
Save your search to the "Favorites" section
Call directly the phone numbers found (using your mobile carrier or Skype)
Customize your app with favourited items

That's all?
Did you know, for example, that you can ALWAYS BRING WITH YOU your tax ID code and that of your family?

And you can find useful phone numbers, postal codes and international codes, and how to get the documents you are interested in. And more. Always noting down what you find most useful on the main screen of the app.

Having all the italian phone numbers and addresses at your fingertips it’s free: Download Now!

Store rating


out of

5 reviews


82.3 MB

Last update

June 25, 2020

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