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Lancaster County Incidents

Lancaster County Incidents provides you with the latest information regarding traffic, fire, and medical incid...


Store review

Lancaster County Incidents provides you with the latest information regarding traffic, fire, and medical incidents throughout Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Commute to work or just running some errands? Check with Lancaster County Incidents before you start your drive so you know your route is clear!


Easy to view map showing:
· All the latest incidents in Lancaster County
· Custom pin pictures for each incident type
· Your current location

Easy to read list of all the latest incidents sorted chronologically and by incident type.

Informative detail page for each incident showing:
· Location
· Incident type
· Responding units


Disclaimer: Lancaster County Incidents is for reference only. While we try our best, we are not responsible for the accuracy of the incident information listed within the application. Please use responsibly and do not operate while driving.

Store rating


out of

5 reviews


13.6 MB

Last update

June 25, 2020

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