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News24: Breaking News. First

BREAKING NEWS. FIRST. Our award-winning team of journalists brings you quality breaking news as it happens. Wh...


Store review

BREAKING NEWS. FIRST. Our award-winning team of journalists brings you quality breaking news as it happens. Whether you are looking for in-depth analysis, the latest in entertainment, sport, politics or business you will find it in our News24 app!

- Stay up-to-date with the best in breaking news, current affairs, political journalism, sport, technology, finance and entertainment.
- Enjoy rugby, soccer and cricket live scoring, fixtures and results so that you never miss out on the sporting action.
- Be the first to know with breaking news alerts pushed directly to your mobile home screen.
- Get all your weather, traffic updates and market indicators.
- Know what’s happening in your country with our focus on South Africa news.

We would love to hear from you. Please send us a message in the app under Feedback.

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232 reviews


62.0 MB

Last update

June 21, 2020

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