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Italian Word of the Day

Become the smartest among your friends now… Learn one new word every day. As simple as that… There’re thousa...


Store review

Become the smartest among your friends now… Learn one new word every day. As simple as that…

There’re thousands of words we don’t know the meaning. Professional Italian language tutors and lecturers gathered to hand-pick the most interesting words for you to develop your vocabulary.

- Become smarter by knowing the words that only nerds use.
- Act as intellectual being able to use them correctly in right situation.
- Become sexier by impressing other people with your speech.
- Show how eloquent you are by challenging your friends to guess the meaning or simply share the words with the world.
- New word attack every day – stable growth for your vocabulary

Scientists say that if to learn one new Portuguese word each day your brain acts faster and feels healthier.

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out of

58 reviews


44.3 MB

Last update

Feb. 18, 2021

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