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Malayalam Quran (Holy Koran in Malayalam language)

Malayalam Quran Holy Quran in Malayalam language The Quran (Arabic: القرآن‎ al-qu'rān, literally meaning "th...


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Malayalam Quran

Holy Quran in Malayalam language

The Quran (Arabic: القرآن‎ al-qu'rān, literally meaning "the recitation"; also romanized Qur'an or Koran) is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah). Its scriptural status among a world-spanning religious community, and its major place within world literature generally, have led to a great deal of secondary literature on the Quran. Quranic chapters are called suras and verses are called ayahs.

The first translation of holy Quran in Malayalam was published in the last decade of 19th century. A scholar named Muhiyudheen-ibnu Abdul Khader (Mayin Kutty Elaya) of the Arakkal Palace, Kannur began the works of a Malayalam translation of Quran in 1855 (Hijara 1272) which was named ‘Tharjamathu-thafseeril Quran’.It took 15 years for him to complete the work and it was published in hijara 1294. It was in Arabi- Malayalam script and had 6 volumes and was based on Thafseer Jalalaini.


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Last update

June 21, 2020

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