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PDX Transit

PDX Transit was carefully crafted from the ground up, catering specifically to the people of the Rose City. In...


Store review

PDX Transit was carefully crafted from the ground up, catering specifically to the people of the Rose City. Instantly get local bus stops, arrival times, transit directions, and service alerts – all on your iPhone. Because it was designed specifically for Trimet, we think you’ll have the best experience possible since you don’t have to fiddle with apps made to work for transportation services across multiple cities. And because PDX Transit is written in Swift using the latest APIs, we know that your experience will be nimble, yet powerful.

We hope you enjoy using the app as much as we loved developing it.

PDX Transit for iPhone
See local bus stops closest to you including maps
Get scheduled and estimated arrival times for each bus stop
Get transit directions using any Trimet or Portland Streetcar service
Search local landmark or business addresses to get to your destination
Save your favorite bus stops as bookmarks for convenience
See up-to-the-minute Service Alerts published by Trimet
Get your local weather forecast within the app to better plan your trip
Read QR codes at Trimet bus stops and transit centers to instantly get arrival times

PDX Transit for Apple Watch
See local bus stops closest to you including maps
Get scheduled and estimated arrival times for each bus stop
Use built-in dictation to request arrival times for a specific bus stop ID
Watch face complication provides a shortcut to your favorite bus stop for instant arrival times

Siri Shortcuts, Messages Sticker Pack, Today View Widget, Spotlight Search, 3D Touch, Handoff, iCloud, Dark Mode, and Swift
Support for Dark Mode in iOS 13 and iPadOS
Siri Shortcuts support for Arrival Times & Service Alerts
• All-new Messages Sticker Pack with Portland themed stickers
• iOS Spotlight search results providing previously seen bus stops
Today View widget displays your bookmarked bus stops
Support for Quick Actions and Peek & Pop using 3D Touch
Sharing options to share specific transit information with your contacts
Handoff from Apple Watch to iPhone - Seamlessly continue your activities from your Apple Watch on your iPhone for greater detail
Handoff from iPhone to Mac - Continue viewing Trimet transit data from your iPhone on your Mac (PDX Transit for macOS required to use Handoff with your Mac)
Support for Siri Smart Reminders for Arrival Times
Support for Dynamic Type - Changing the font size in the Settings app will update all the font sizes in PDX Transit
Completely written in the latest version of Swift (Swift 5)

Language Support

Please note that we are in no way affiliated with Trimet. PDX Transit simply makes use of Trimet’s Open Data to provide all the data you see in the app. Please use if you believe the information in PDX Transit is incorrect.

Store rating


out of

15 reviews


30.5 MB

Last update

June 22, 2020

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