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JobsGO: Jobs On The Go

JobsGO - Let relevant jobs find you anytime anywhere A new way to search & apply for jobs. Super simple. Onl...


Store review

JobsGO - Let relevant jobs find you anytime anywhere
A new way to search & apply for jobs. Super simple. Only on mobile phones.

Smart job recommendation
Instead of searching & browsing through hundreds of pages to find jobs, our system will proactively searches & suggests the most relevant jobs for you
Whenever employers post interesting jobs, you will be notified right away

Apply for jobs instantly
Via just a swipe, your application will reach potential employers
You can apply for jobs through a connected phone anytime anywhere

Receive feedback immediately
You will no longer wait for long to hear back about your applications. You will be notified immediately whenever an employer see your application, request for interview or ask for more information
Notifications will come to your phone

Chat directly with potential employers
You can even chat directly with employers before interviews to answer their concern, ask for more information, which eventually increases your chances of success.

Download JobsGO to your phone now to get great jobs right away!

Store rating


out of

3410 reviews

Last update

Jan. 11, 2020

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