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Type in Malayalam

'Type in Malayalam ' app is an English to Malayalam transliteration tool that intuitively converts Malayalam w...


Store review

'Type in Malayalam ' app is an English to Malayalam transliteration tool that intuitively converts Malayalam words written in English letters into equivalent words in Malayalam script. For example if you type 'malayaḷattil ṭype ceyyuka' and tap the space button, it will be automatically transliterated into Malayalam script as 'മലയാളത്തിൽ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക'. You don't need to be exact in typing the word like most other apps and this 'Type in Malayalam' app is intelligent enough to understand what you are typing. It allows you to choose from a list of suggested words too.

'Type in Malayalam ' app allows you to share and store the converted Malayalam script using any app on your phone such as WhatsApp, SMS Messages, GMail Messages, Saving as Documents etc

Last update

April 4, 2020

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