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Newsflow - breaking news

Follow the most important and latest news stories from more than 100 different news sources displayed in a ple...


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Follow the most important and latest news stories from more than 100 different news sources displayed in a pleasant and structured form in your Newsflow. Personalize your Newsflow app: choose the topics you are interested in, highlight the sources you want to follow, mute the ones you don’t like.

Our hard-working bots are continuously scanning and analysing news stories from more than 100 publishers to bring you the latest, most important and trending stories, so that you can’t miss anything.

• In the TOP channel we collect all important news stories, you can personalize your TOP channel by choosing the categories from which you want stories to be included on this tab.
• If you are interested in a category, you can create a new channel for it. You can also set the order of the channels.
• If there is a news source you would like to follow separately, you can create a new channel for it as well.
There are channels from which you don’t want to see any articles? No problem, you can easily mute these channels.
Would you like to read some news stories with your morning coffee? Set the time when you want to receive your daily news report.

Last update

Oct. 13, 2019

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