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Numerology Guide

The Numerology-guide is designed and written by Annet Kofoed. Read about: numerology, where it comes from...


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The Numerology-guide is designed and written by Annet Kofoed.

Read about: numerology, where it comes from and why it has always been here.

Read about: your own birth number, which is the day you are born on, and only the day, month and year needed for other things.

Read about: relationships, which numbers are more harmonious together than others, and what you do against and for each other, and how we must learn to live with and use the energies in the numbers.

Read about: coincidences in history, numerological. French history, Kennedy's story.

Read about: well known and famous personalities, royalty, authors, athletes, singers, actors, presidents and other charismatic individuals; see their birth number, which day they are born on.

Read about: explanation on what a numerology chart is, and why it excist, and how to read it.

Read about: an online numerology chart, which is your numerology chart, as it looks right now, with the names you have now.

Last update

Nov. 14, 2019

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