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Zoek Job Search App - Apply for new jobs on the go

Zoek is one of the UK’s fastest growing* intelligent new job sites/app that uses machine-learning technology t...


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Zoek is one of the UK’s fastest growing* intelligent new job sites/app that uses machine-learning technology to match and connect job seekers to hirers, and vice versa.

Zoek is now the 4th largest independent job site/app in the UK*, featuring over 170,000 active job adverts, with hundreds more being added every single day.

Zoek’s intelligent job matching search engine is continually learning from thousands of searches and applications to minimise irrelevant job roles, personalising your job results based on key skills/job titles.

This makes job searching and applying a whole lot smarter, easier and faster, so you only see the most relevant job matches!

Download the Zoek Job Search App to access our slick, fast, and simple application process through our revolutionary new Jobs Cart – add up to 10 jobs into your basket and apply for them all in just 1 click with your chosen CV.

- Search for jobs or be found on-the-go
- Thousands of new jobs added every day
- Over 8,000 registered hirers, increasing daily**
- Over 6 million total job adverts featured since launch***
- And over 300,000 registered job seekers active since launch****

Job Search:
- Start your job search easily with our job matching feature by entering your skills or searching with your CV to reveal the best-suited roles
- Search for your desired job title, location, job type, and salary
- Our intelligent job matching algorithm learns from searches to improve its performance

Personalise your account:
- Save, Share or Apply for jobs in a click of a button
- Create and update your Zoek profile with educational information, work experience, skills, CV’s, Cover Letter’s, Documents and Contact Preferences
- Filter your job search type by choosing either 'permanent', 'temporary' or ‘contract’, and selecting either a ‘full-time’ or ‘part-time’ contract type
- Find jobs within a 1k mile radius to your location by adjusting the search distance slider

Apply with ease:
- Apply for jobs with your uploaded CV’s, or if you don’t have a CV we can help generate one for you using the information you input into your Zoek profile, including Education, Work Experience, and Skills
- Add a covering letter to your application to help you stand out
- Apply for your daily 'My Matches' jobs or relevant search results
- Review jobs you've applied for using the 'My Jobs' section

Be found:
- Relevant job alerts and push notifications sent to your Zoek job app while you’re on the go
- Be the first to apply to new relevant jobs with real-time notifications in your 'My Matches' section
- Edit the time-frequency and type of your job notifications, including App push notifications and email alerts
- Self-manage the opt ‘in’ or ‘out’ of job notification functionality

The Zoek Job App provides a unique service to anyone who is considering a career move or tempted by other job offers that are more suitable to their skill set, matching you to highly relevant jobs from thousands of employers based.

No matter if you’re searching for part-time jobs, temporary jobs, admin jobs, jobs in sales, jobs in retail or simply jobs near your home location, the Zoek Job App can help you land your next dream job!

With thousands of live jobs uploaded to the Zoek Job App already, and thousands more being posted daily in top locations such as London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Leeds, you won’t find an easier and more efficient job search service other than Zoek.

Download the Zoek Job Search App today and cut out unnecessary time spent browsing for irrelevant jobs. With Zoek, don’t find the job - let the job find you!

Have a question? Spotted something we haven’t? We’d love to hear your feedback! Email us at and a member of our team will get back to you right away.

*Volume of jobs posted directly on Zoek UK
**Registered hirer number as at 7th May 2019
***Registered total number of job adverts posted as at 7th May 2019
****Registered candidate number as at 7th May 2019

Last update

Jan. 25, 2020

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