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Launcher iPhone

Turn your phone into a real iPhone X. Change your style differently than your friends. Experience apple interf...


Store review

Turn your phone into a real iPhone X. Change your style differently than your friends. Experience apple interface right on your android phone. It's easy, with just one click, your phone switches to ios style.

Smart search: Simple search by swiping down anywhere on the screen
Smart group: group of applications and unlimited groups, unlimited number of applications in the group
Change icon: You change the icon of the application to your liking
Custom status bar: status bar is changed in ios style
Themes: Support thousands of icon themes on the Play Store, support icon size customization and edit icon for every app;
Gestures:You can setup lots of gestures: swipe up, swipe donw and home button actions;
Personalization: Change desktop grid, infinite scrolling, show or hide search bar, customize folder preview, and lots of other options!
Swipe down to display notification bar like iPhone X

All of this is available for free!
We’re always happy to help. Download Now!

Thank you for using iLauncher & iPhone X Launcher

Store rating


out of

30222 reviews

Last update

March 24, 2020

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