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ChopInk helps you discover interesting places such as coffee shop, restaurant, shop or nail salons that is rel...


Store review

ChopInk helps you discover interesting places such as coffee shop, restaurant, shop or nail salons that is relevant to you.

ChopInk Places displays your favorite places by vicinity whereby you can discover what's nearby.
You can search for cafes, restaurants, shop, art gallery, tea and more.
Explore by categories, what's new, and that is open now.
Once you are at the place, you can further enjoy promotions and cardless loyalty program from the shops that give them.
Share your unique experience thru Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social platforms.
Follow people and shops that intrigues you.

For the cardless loyalty program from ChopInk, all you need to enjoy rewards is your phone. A few easy steps to get your stamp/chop: after you have purchased, point your phone with ChopInk app at QR code from the shop and you have the stamp!

Ready for explorations and perks with ChopInk? Download ChopInk now!

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Last update

March 19, 2020

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