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Glusearch: Gluten free places

Looking for venues, restaurants, shops or hotels with gluten-free options? Discover Glusearch for your gluten-...


Store review

Looking for venues, restaurants, shops or hotels with gluten-free options? Discover Glusearch for your gluten-free worldwide life.

Glusearch offers you detailed information on a wide range of gluten-free venues. On Glusearch you can find for each facility... address, phone, URL, Facebook, email, services, coordinates, geolocation, directions, photos and other features such as:
- activities belonging to National Associations, such as FACE in Spain, AIC in Italy, etc.
- 100% gluten-free venues
- activities with lactose-free options
- and more

From the main screen, you can find venues by:
- geolocation
- activity name
- entering city name
- entering the full address for more detailed searches

On Glusearch you will find also:
- gluten-free restaurants and pizzerias
- gluten-free bakeries, pubs and pastry shops
- ice cream parlors and delicatessens
- e-commerce
- gluten-free stores
- hotels and B&B with gluten-free options

All activities on Glusearch are verified and submitted by our staff. However, we cannot guarantee that some of them will not change their offer over time. So, will NOT be responsible for any inaccuracies and, in order to guarantee a quality service, we solicit your support by reporting errors, closed venues or new openings not yet present on Glusearch.

Last update

April 9, 2020

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