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Turn by Turn Directions

Fast, text-only driving directions without images or other distractions. To use, specify the Starting Po...


Store review

Fast, text-only driving directions without images or other distractions.

To use, specify the Starting Point (or get the current GPS co-ordinates) and then the Destination address, then press the 'Go' button.

Ideal uses:
- You can look up directions on your phone and send them to someone else by SMS or email
- You are in an area where mobile data is slow and you know the map won’t load, but you want to know just the directions from A to B.
- You are tired of slow response from map loading applications.
- You want an application which is fast and just gives you driving directions.
- You want to quickly know what is the distance between 2 places and how much time will it take to drive.

Feedback is welcome.

Last update

Feb. 6, 2020

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