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Job Search

FREE search engine for the best jobs near you. To use our APP is not required any registration. The onl...


Store review

FREE search engine for the best jobs near you.

To use our APP is not required any registration.
The only keywords you have to enter are WHAT and WHERE.

You can also insert your own ads SEARCH / OFFER JOB. Will be published it for free for one year.

* Once you enter the keywords (WHAT and WHERE ) you can scroll through all the available job
* Detailed list for each offer to send your application
* Free publication of your ad
* FAVORITES section where to store all the ads more interesting
* TROPHIES section to optimize their job search by following our goals
* Ability to change the default country in which to search for jobs
* At any time you can change or delete your own ad
* Form for replying to ads integrated in the app
* Statistics of your ad
* The most interesting advertisements you can share with your friends

* English
* French
* Spanish
* Italian
* Hindi
* Bengali
* Gujarati
* Kannada
* Malayalam
* Marathi
* Punjabi
* Tamil
* Telugu
* German
* Swedish
* Chinese
* Korean
* Filipino
* Japanese
* Thai
* Vietnamese
* Dutch
* Danish
* Finnish
* Norwegian
* Portuguese
* Romanian
* Polish
* Czech
* Russian
* Slovak
* Hungarian
* Greek

You can report problems or suggest improvements by sending an e -mail to


Last update

Jan. 16, 2020

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