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This software app provides a simple and user friendly GUI (Graphic User Interface) to produce Secured Vault wh...


Store review

This software app provides a simple and user friendly GUI (Graphic User Interface) to produce Secured Vault which can be exchanged with other people who are listed as contacts in the software. The SecuredVaults are encrypted using intelligence/military/security grade encryption (AES-256). They are in the form of encrypted files which can be attached in a regular fashion to a regular Email/SMS/IM, and sent to other people who are listed as contacts in the software, or stored anywhere, e.g. cloud service provider. Your contacts can then download the file for the Secured Vault (preferably to the home directory for the app called SecuredVault on the internal sdcard), use the app to decrypt the file and then read your note. The GUI for the application is written in English language which is the international business language. However, user can write his/her notes in any language.

intelligence/military/security agencies can still monitor your Email/SMS/IM. However, it would be very difficult (or impossible) for them to read your attached SecuredVault created by this app, unless they were able to steal your secured key using special measures (e.g. torture, stealing, or blackmail).

This software app is written specially to suite legal professionals (judges and lawyers), police/security/intelligence/military officers, financial or investment professionals, politicians, senior business officials, senior government officials, diplomats, and political, freedom, democracy, or human rights activists. If you are not one of those professionals, it is likely this software app is not for you.

You should consider this software app tool ONLY if you have or deal on a daily basis with highly valuable personal or professional information or data that need to be protected with intelligence/military/security grade encryption technology. This software app is intended to address the privacy and security concerns of your daily communications with your associates and contacts, completely independent and protected from any other business, including us. Also, this software application is designed for exchange of small. medium, and large volume of data or information.

You will need to do some reading about private and public keys (PGP), and how they are used to encrypt and decrypt information and data, and how they used to exchange info and data with other people. This is must in order for you to understand how the software app works, and how you can use it. You need to know very basic English language in order to understand the GUI for the software app. You also need to have one of the free good file managers available to be installed on your device.

Always remember that you are the weakest link in your own communications security. Therefore, we strongly advice you to be very proactive in protecting your device and information/data. Here are important tips:

- switch your device to the air plane mode every time you are dealing with important information;
- switch your device off-on after you finish, to clear memory;
- clear cache when you can regularly (make sure first that there nothing you need in it);
- do not leave any SecuredVaults on your device that are not encrypted.
- have a highly secured password for your device and a top of the line virus scan.

We are introducing this app and many other similar apps as part of our long deep and strong passion and commitment to use technology to support and help democracy, freedom of expression, and human rights activists, opposition/supporters and general people against injustice and oppressive police/military/royal dictatorships, and highly corrupt regimes. We are not located in USA. Therefore, we are not under legal obligations to provide personal and private information about our users to spy/security agencies. It is our dream and goal to help to create a better and safer world for everyone.

Last update

Dec. 14, 2019

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