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Qobuz - HD Music

Have unlimited access to your music in High-Fidelity sound quality with Qobuz. Enjoy thousands of creative pla...


Store review

Have unlimited access to your music in High-Fidelity sound quality with Qobuz. Enjoy thousands of creative playlists for all occasions, and let Qobuz help you discover new music with exclusive editorial content (interviews, reviews, articles). Listen to your music wherever you want, whenever you want: Qobuz is available on all your devices, even without internet connection in the Offline Library mode.

Try Qobuz free for 1 month with no strings attached directly through the app.

Since 2008, Qobuz has been dedicated to giving you the best streaming and listening experience:

Through sound quality

Rediscover your music the way the artists and sound engineers intended. Enjoy more than 220,000 new albums and re-issues in Hi-Res (24-Bit up to 192 kHz) and more than 40 million tracks in lossless quality (FLAC 16-Bit/44.1 kHz, equivalent to CD quality).

Through musical discoveries

Discover talents unearthed by our experts as well as highlights and specialised recommendations from all music genres. Listen to thousands of playlists for all occasions, curated by our team of music experts.

Through music knowledge

To enrich your listening experience, enjoy access to informational digital booklets, track-by-track details of albums and other editorial content, including interviews, reviews and articles.

Qobuz in depth*:

Streaming in FLAC 16-Bit/44.1 kHz lossless quality (similar to CD-quality) for High-Fidelity listening of over 40 million tracks

Music streaming in 24-Bit Hi-Res up to 192 kHz on over 220,000 albums for an exceptional listening experience, exclusive to Qobuz.

Hundreds of thousands of digital booklets and information on musical works

Thousands of articles, interviews and other editorial content

Creative playlists for all occasions

Recommendations from music professionals

You can also:

Download your music onto your phone’s Offline Library to listen without internet connection

• Make your own playlists and share them with your friends

Create your own personal library with all your favourite artists, albums and tracks

Download your purchases and listen to them on any media player app

Stream your music via connected listening systems: Google Chromecast, Music Cast, Audirvana, Roon…

Stream your music on all Hi-Fi equipment: Devialet, Naim, Klipsch, Bluesound, Yamaha, Sony, Aurender, Sonos, Harman Kardon, Free, Moon…

Enjoy a 1-month free trial to discover high-quality streaming with Qobuz.

*Some features depend on the chosen streaming subscription offer.

Our streaming offers:
- Qobuz Premium - MP3 320kbps
- Qobuz Hi-Fi - FLAC 16-Bit/44.1 kHz
- Qobuz Studio - Hi-Res 24-Bit up to 192 kHz
- Qobuz Sublime+ - Hi-Res 24-Bit up to 192 kHz & discounted prices on the Qobuz download shop.

Like what you see? Follow us on:

Facebook: @qobuz
Twitter: @qobuz
Instagram: @qobuz

Store rating


out of

10311 reviews


29.0 MB

Last update

Jan. 30, 2020

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