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Roman numerals

Roman numerals is a simple and versatile application for converting decimal numbers (Arabic) to Roman numerals...


Store review

Roman numerals is a simple and versatile application for converting decimal numbers (Arabic) to Roman numerals.


- It is very simple to use because you only need to enter the decimal number to its corresponding cell and automatically convert to Roman numerals shown.

- Also allows conversion to Roman Numeral to decimal format by selecting the appropriate cell, and that automatically keyboard with Roman symbols shown.


The Roman Numerals application has a conversion algorithm Full / Roman and Roman / full optimized to perform the conversion properly and detect all misstated numbers.

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The decimal or Arabic system, created in India and introduced to Europe by the Arabs, is characterized by incorporating the number zero (which does not exist in Roman numerals) and use 10 different symbols. This system can perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of a much more efficient than the Roman notation mode.

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The Roman numbering system is characterized by using different symbols to represent different amounts:

- The character "I" represents the "1"
- The character "V" represents the "5"
- The character "X" represents the "10".
- The character "L" represents the "50".
- The character "C" represents the "100".
- The character "D" represents the "500".
- The character "M" represents the "1000".

To represent numbers must be to respect certain rules:

- The numbers are represented from highest to lowest, ie, the "M" to "I".
- You can not string more than 3 matching symbols; the number "IIII" is not 4 but is wrong
- In front of a symbol, you can add another minor, to use as a subtraction; and the IX represents the "9"
- The "V", "L" and "D" symbol can not be used to subtract; the number "VX" is "V".
- The remaining symbol has to be a factor number "1" on the previous; so, the "I" can be subtracted from the "X" but not the "C"; the number "IC" does not represent the "99" as it is misrepresented; "99" should be expressed as "XCIX"

Store rating


out of

1441 reviews


895.0 KB

Last update

Dec. 24, 2019

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