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Premier Podcast Player

Play podcasts, audiobooks and music in one app! - Plays audiobooks, music and podcasts. No need to switch be...


Store review

Play podcasts, audiobooks and music in one app!
- Plays audiobooks, music and podcasts. No need to switch between apps.
- Intuitive and easy to use interface.
- App frequently updated to resolve issues and add in new features. Please email with any problems or suggestions.
- Very feature rich.
- New material design.

Here are some of the features:

- Subscribe to and automatically download podcasts.
- Stream podcast episodes instead of downloading them.
- Adjust playback speed (requires Android 6 and above)
- Saves your place in each episode
- Supports video podcasts.
- Search for new podcasts by name.
- Backup podcast subscriptions to an OPML file so they can be loaded later.
- Create playlists.
- Browse for podcasts by category.
- Automatically deletes podcast episodes when done playing.
- Option to only download new episodes on Wi-Fi.
- Subscribe to podcasts from an RSS feed.

- Lock the main screen so you don't accidentally lose your place in an audiobook.
- Adjust playback speed (requires Android 6 and above)
- Audiobook history in case you lose your place.
- Create bookmarks.
- Select a file within an audiobook.
- If paused for a short period it backs up a few seconds. If paused for a while it will back up further to give you more context of where you left off.

- Create playlists.
- Display your library by artist.

Last update

Jan. 2, 2020

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