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Comics Amino for Comic Fans

Comics Amino is the fastest growing mobile social network for comic fans! - Build a profile showing your ...


Store review

Comics Amino is the fastest growing mobile social network for comic fans!

- Build a profile showing your passion for comics and post and chat about movies, shows, games, and comic books
- Connect with other superfans around the world or in your area about anything from Suicide Squad to Aquaman
- Discuss your favorite comic books, super heroes, movies, shows, toys, games, merchandise, collectibles, etc.
- Gain a massive following by sharing your thoughts on your favorite superheroes like Harley Quinn and Bizarro or authors like Stan Lee
- Discover comics fan art, photos, writing, cosplay, and more paying homage to everything from Catwoman to Thor

In Comics Amino, you can:
- Create polls (Frank Castle or Deadpool?) and discussions to share with other comic book superfans
- Show off your fan creations, like pictures of Batman or Superman
- Share, discuss, and debate Marvel and DC comics superhero theories
- Obsess over the latest news in the comics world
- Ask and answer questions on the fly and search for expert answers on everything comics-related

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out of

1593 reviews

Last update

Dec. 4, 2019

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