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PDF Extra - Scan, Edit, View, Fill, Sign, Convert

Get all the PDF features you need with a single app! The professional PDF editor allows you to view, annotate ...


Store review

Get all the PDF features you need with a single app! The professional PDF editor allows you to view, annotate and print PDF files while on the go.

What PDF Extra can offer you:

Scan to PDFs

Scan and digitize your paper documents into editable files with ease. Create one-page PDFs or scan a dozen in a single file using the auto batch option.

View and Comment

Make comments on PDFs using sticky notes and drawing tools. Highlight and markup text with the annotation tools.

Edit PDF files

Edit PDFs with the most advanced mobile editor available. Feel free to change any document aspect you want - texts, pictures, design, signatures, certificates and more.

Organize pages in PDFs

View and organize pages in PDFs Enjoy full control of your PDF’s structure. Rotate, delete and rearrange pages to create a perfectly organized PDF file.

Export to JPEG

A picture tells a thousand words. Use the free JPEG converter to quickly turn a PDF into an image file.

Convert PDFs

Convert PDFs to Word, Excel or ePub while keeping the original layout and formatting. Save Word, Excel and ePub files as PDFs and share them with ease.

Read & Print

Quickly open and view PDFs. The optimized Read mode gives you the best reading experience – continuous, page mode or outline, with a Night mode and a “text to speech” feature. Print documents or just the selected pages you need.

Fill and Sign

Fill out and sign PDF forms on the go, directly from your mobile device. Advanced support for fillable PDF forms allows you make all the changes you need and to sign documents with your saved digital signature or by simply drawing the signature on the document.

Protect PDFs

Protect your sensitive documents with passwords to lock, encrypt and restrict the access to them. Work with advanced PDF certificates to validate their authenticity.

Integrated File Manager

Manage your local and remote documents with ease. Quickly locate your PDFs in the device`s “My Documents” folder, browse your local storage, or access and sync your documents on the cloud.

MobiSystems Drive

Enjoy 5GB Free cloud storage for your files and access them securely anytime. Connect to any popular cloud account such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Box to access your PDF files.

Upgrade to Premium and get the most of PDF Extra

Edit PDF files – Change text, pictures, design and more
Organize pages in PDFs Rotate, Delete and Rearrange
Convert PDFs to/from Word, Excel or ePub
Fill and Sign PDF forms with timestamps and digital signatures
Protect PDFs with passwords and certifications

Store rating


out of

84016 reviews


16.0 MB

Last update

Nov. 15, 2019

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