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Job Hunter

Quickly find jobs by locations and job titles. Jobs are filtered to prevent unrelated results. If too f...


Store review

Quickly find jobs by locations and job titles.
Jobs are filtered to prevent unrelated results.

If too few results are shown, use the expand button in filtered listings or edit the job title in the settings page to include equivalents.
For example, Senior is equivalent to: Lead, Sr, Principal, etc.

If too many irrelevant results are shown, filter those results by using the filter button or editing the job title in the settings page to include keyword exclusions.

- Group results by company
- Sort results by time
- Only relevant results included
- View filtered results (just in case)
- Exclude jobs having job titles with certain words (Exclusions)
- Mark certain words in a job title as being the same (Equivalents)

Google Ads: Job keywords and locations are submitted to Google.
Indeed: ip address is submitted to get job results.
Mirsaes: Job keywords, job locations, and navigation choices are submitted to Mirsaes.


908.0 KB

Last update

Jan. 27, 2020

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