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Measure Map

Measure Map is application support distance calculator to find out the distance between two or more points any...


Store review

Measure Map is application support distance calculator to find out the distance between two or more points anywhere on the earth. In other words, the distance between A and B. Click once on the map to place the first marker and then click again to position the second marker. The distance between the points will then be displayed. You can also build up a series of locations to find a total distance. A minimum of two markers are required to measure distance and a minimum of three markers to measure an area.

Distance results will be output in meters, kilometers, nautical mile, feet & miles, yards.

Area will be output in meters², kilometers², feet², nmi², yards² and acres.

Elevation tool allows you to see a graph of elevations along a path using a google map, use this page to find the elevation of any location in the world. You can also find the elevation of a single location. Simply enter the address you want the elevation of. This tool will then find the elevation of that address. You can also zoom into the map and click to find the elevation of a point. From there click on the map to define points along a path that you want to find the elevation of. As you click the elevation will appear as a graph below the map.

Support to quick change map type: Normal, satellite, terrain, hybrid
Support UTM & MGRS coordinates
Reference from Nasa library:
having format like
Support to share and import list marks on map

*This Application reference from of J4velin, thank J4velin !

*This app use some icons in ----------|

Store rating


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2129 reviews

Last update

Nov. 16, 2019

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