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Wallpapers HD + Backgrounds + Themes

Thousands of high quality wallpapers (HQ) for phones and tablets. Customize the wallpaper of your device as ...


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Thousands of high quality wallpapers (HQ) for phones and tablets.
Customize the wallpaper of your device as you want and to your liking.
Daily update of contents.
Download thousands of wallpapers for free and customize your wallpaper.

* Adapted wallpapers for your device.
All high quality images (HQ) and different types of permits. Supports all devices, including devices with large screens: 1080x1920 pixels (Full HD, 1080p) and 2160x3840 px (Ultra HD, 4K).

* New wallpapers every hour.
More than 80,000 beautiful wallpapers for screens up to 540x960 pixels in size; More than 10 000 Full HD wallpapers for the 1080x1920 pixel screen; more than 5,000 wallpapers for smartphones with 2K, flat QHD 1440x2560 pixels, more than 1000 4K wallpapers for phones with 4K screen 2160x3840 px.

* Saving of battery power and resources.
Only wallpapers adapted to the size of your screen, wallpapers and screen savers are displayed. This saves battery power and internet traffic, as well as using the application at maximum speed, without loss of image quality.

* Current wallpapers.
We follow all current trends in the world. The most beautiful places in the world, the city and the country, the technology, the memes and the beautiful wallpapers of each day.

* Easy to use.
We have tried to make an app as simple and easy to use for you, eliminating everything unnecessary, to focus on the most important - the wallpaper and the quality of them.

* Popular categories.
Here we have beautiful wallpapers for your phone and tablet in the following categories: 3D graphics (CG wallpaper, rendering), abstraction, animals (photo of cats and cats, dogs, kittens and puppies , the hamsters, the raccoons, the wolves, the foxes, raccoons, the owl), the anime (manga), machines (vehicles and means of transport), the city, the fantasy (angels, demons, dragons, zombies, skeletons, soldiers of battle, battle), flowers (roses, daisies, sunflowers), food (drinks, fruits, vegetables, meats), photos of wallpapers with people: men and women, boys and girls, technology, holidays (new year, christmas, santa claus, santa claus), macro, music and musical instruments, nature (photos wallpapers landscapes, mountains, the sun, the sea, a lake, a ocean, the underwater world, sunsets and sunrises, sand, forest, trees), the acio (the planets, the sun, the earth, the moon, the galaxies, the black holes), sports (gym, muscle building, extreme sports), texture (a uniform background, monotonous screen saver), backgrounds, vector graphic in minimalist style.

Images optimized for all the most popular screen sizes: 2160x3840, 1440x2560, 1080x1920, 720x1280, 540x960, 480x800 and many other Android. The application identifies and collects screensavers for the screens of the devices of the following brands: Samsung, Sony, LG, Lenovo, HTC, ASUS, Alcatel, Huawei, Meizu, Xiaomi and others.

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Last update

Oct. 30, 2019

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