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Contact on Map

This application displays phonebook contacts on a map (only which ones with postal address of course) You ca...


Store review

This application displays phonebook contacts on a map (only which ones with postal address of course)
You can see where lives friends, family, coworker...

- Differents marker types: standard, start or contact name
- Search for a contact name
- Quick action for a contact:
- start a navigation
- open the contact
- see notes
- create a navigation shortcut (pro version)
- Share the map as image
- Compatible with large phonebook by regrouping marker.

Pro features✴
- Create a navigation shortcut (for Device under Oreo(8.0) and plus)
- Groups features:
- unselect a group
- select the color


807.0 KB

Last update

March 26, 2020

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