Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening tag:


Reports information about your device. - CPU: processor, architecture, core, etc. ) - DEVICE: model, brand...


Store review

Reports information about your device.
- CPU: processor, architecture, core, etc. )
- DEVICE: model, brand, board, screen resolution, ram, network type, etc.
- SYSTEM: Android version, API level, kernel, Build ID, Root Acces, etc.
- BATERY: Level%, technology, health, voltage, temperature, etc.
- SENSOR: Accelerometer, barometer, compass, magnetic field, pressure, etc.

Simple method to check their device information.The application provides a very simple user interface that easily notifies and reports information about their device.This application will test the device for root Check available under tab: System


973.0 KB

Last update

Dec. 21, 2019

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