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Trains Timetable - delays - routes - alarm clocks

The smart and complete application to know the information on the circulating Italian trains; several useful f...


Store review

The smart and complete application to know the information on the circulating Italian trains; several useful features for a traveler:

1- Know in real time the arrivals and departures of trains at Italian railway stations, avoiding having to stand still under the physical station board to learn about updates.
2- Automatic real-time update with notifications on delay and track of the chosen train.
3- Search train by code, displaying all information in real time.
4- Calculation of your journey, obtaining detailed information on the trains related to the proposed solutions.
5- Station search through the google map and text search for regional routes.
6- Widget with basic information on the chosen train always at hand on the home

Unofficial application not connected with Trenitalia and Italo Ntv.


984.0 KB

Last update

Jan. 7, 2020

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