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بوابة الشروق - Echorouk Portal‎

Echorouk portal is the electronic interface of Echorouk Media and Publishing Complex, which currently includes...


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Echorouk portal is the electronic interface of Echorouk Media and Publishing Complex, which currently includes 10 websites in different fields. It is considered the largest portal in Algeria and in the Maghreb region, attracting at least half a million visitors daily.

Echorouk Online is the most prominent news portal in the portal, providing instant and ongoing coverage of events in Algeria, the Arab world and the world in Arabic, English and French.

Establishment :

Echorouk Online was founded in 2005 after the decision of the administration of Sunrise to create an electronic interface for the paper edition to enable a group of readers on the web as well as the Algerian community abroad to see the contents of the newspaper.

Development :

Echorouk Online has undergone four basic stages since its establishment:

1 - From 2005/2007, the site was an electronic interface for the paper version of the daily newspaper Shorouk (photocopy + text articles).

- Establishment of two copies in French and English of the site.

2 - From 2007/2009, the site was updated in terms of form and content to keep abreast of the technological development taking place to enter the interactive stage and was characterized by opening the way for readers to comment on the published articles as well as launching referendums on events and issues on the national and international arenas.

- Creating the Shorouk forums, which currently has about 200 thousand members and is one of the largest forums in the Arab world, where it is a wide space for readers to discuss and exchange ideas.

3 - Beginning in 2009, the site management started a new strategy to transform the site into an independent electronic newspaper to keep pace with the development of this new type of media as well as to satisfy readers' desire to follow up the events as they occur after the great spread of the Internet in Algeria and abroad.

The website updates national and international events continuously throughout the day with the use of modern technologies used in electronic journalism as well as social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus).

4. Since 2011, there has been a need to develop the site to become a stand-alone portal, which was imposed by the increasing demand for various services on the site by visitors and partners. This led the site to be upgraded to a web portal Echorouk, especially since this coincided with the transformation of Echorouk, which became a media hub, especially with the launch of the first private television channel in Algeria. (General - News - Channel Cook).

Staff :

Echorouk portal is managed by a staff, a journalist and a technical technician who are recruited around the clock. Its functions are as follows:

1- Site management: supervises all sections of the portal technically, liberally and administratively.
2- Editorial Section: Follow up national and international events.
3. Feedback section: Keeps readers' comments posted throughout the day after they are processed.
4 - Technical section: follow the progress of the site technically along with the video crew working in coordination with the editorial board.
5- Social Networks Section: Supervises the follow-up of the portal pages through various social networking platforms.

The site is the top news site in Algeria and in the Maghreb region and ranks first in the ranking of Arab media sites, with more than half a million browsers per day and more than 25 million pages viewed by visitors a day, with 75 per cent of visitors coming from Algeria, France comes second with 9 percent, most of them from the Algerian community living there, and then the countries of Canada, Britain, Morocco, the United States of America and Germany ...

Website :

Last update

April 3, 2020

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