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Driply - Stay interested

Driply - News by categories is the best place to stay updated on your favorite topics, through thousand of art...


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Driply - News by categories is the best place to stay updated on your favorite topics, through thousand of articles.
With more than 30000 categories, you can easily customize your feed and read the best specific news, every day.

Driply is the new way to get updates on your favorite news, using a fast and easy view for the articles, including a summary.
News are provided by thousands of sites, that can be selected and filtered, based on users preferences.
To make the application faster and intuitive, you can press the news to see a quick view of the article.

Driply suggests you social news based on your tastes, allowing you to keep your feed updated and interesting, with video news too.


Customizable home with more than 30000 categories and news, every day
Fast and easy news page
News management page
Favorite news page
Language options for the news
Fast news view
• Video-news & article updates
Simple yet powerful algorithms for news suggestions
Home and news settings
Multiple news page view
Youtube integration for video-news
Specific news by categories filter

Last update

Jan. 15, 2020

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