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MetronomeDavidKBD Ad-Free

Program any tempo/measure changes with this app. This programmable metronome can be useful in songs with many...

$ 1.29

Store review

Program any tempo/measure changes with this app.

This programmable metronome can be useful in songs with many tempo changes and meter changes.

In song-programming you can configure any tempo and measure changes for your songs. You can save and open them later. You can also share them.

You can create playlists. The songs are opened one after another leaving a configurable time between songs.

The practice mode lets you play your songs more slowly.

- Simple metronome.
- Song programming.
- Playlists.
- Italian tempo markings.
- Visual beat indication.
- BPM Tap.
- Practice mode.
- Vibrator.
- Automatic stop when there is an incoming call.

Store rating


out of

6 reviews


835.0 KB

Last update

Sept. 2, 2013

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