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Consumer - Compare the best deals every day

Consumer Store is the comparator of offers and products you've been waiting for, we compare millions of produc...


Store review

Consumer Store is the comparator of offers and products you've been waiting for, we compare millions of products every day to give you the best price on the product you want.

What can I find at Consumer?

Offers - Featured offers from major online stores on your mobile and in one place.

Product Catalog - Browse over 5 million products, we have an extensive catalog (Automotive, Baby, Sports, Electronics, Home, Industry, Computer, Books, Music, Fashion, Movies and TV, Supermarket, Video Games) to find the product you want.

Search the best price among 5 million products - Our search engine allows you to find the product you want in seconds.

Comprehensive product information - Find a comprehensive description, with photos and features of each product.

Favorites - Bookmark your favorite products and consult them whenever you want.

The APP is available in Spain, Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom.

Comments and suggestions - If you liked our APP leave us a rating with *****, our development team will thank you. If you have any suggestions you can write to us at

Last update

April 12, 2020

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