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Currency Converter and Forex Rate Calculator

Currency converter now provides you with the latest rates of 170+ currency exchange rates. Install Currency Co...


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Currency converter now provides you with the latest rates of 170+ currency exchange rates. Install Currency Converter and Forex Rate Calculator app and Calculate exchange rate with yourself around the world to determine foreign exchange rates which you can use offline as this is free offline Currency Converter. The easy interface allows user to:
i) Easily interact and calculate forex rate.
ii) Find foreign exchange currencies at one click.
iii) Free offline currency exchange calculator.
iv) Quickly perform exchange rate calculation conversions.
v) Favorite foreign exchange rate list for easy and quick exchange rate calculations
vi) Finance and wealth news from the world top business and foreign exchange outlets
Now perform many money conversions at once by adding your foreign exchange currencies in your favorite’s currency exchange rates. Select the unlimited foreign exchange currencies as favorite and get a quick forex rate calculation with exchange rate calculator.
This app can be your money converter, forex rate calculator, money exchange calculator, exchange rate calculator, business news source with updated today’s currency conversion rates and exchange rates. You can always update the currency rates or forex rate from anywhere and you will get fresh exchange rate for todays. While currency exchange always gets updated result from free offline currency converter and exchange rate calculator to negotiate the best possible forex rate for yourself from the forex market.

With all the big currencies conversions like euro convertor, dollar converter:

Euro to Dollar
US dollar to Australian dollar
US dollar to Great Britain sterling pound.
US dollar to Yuan

All with updated new dollar exchange rates and euro rates every minute.

Now with currency exchange money converter and currency rate calculator the new feature of the app also keeps you updated about the economy news, wealth news, business news and exchange rate news from all over the world with all new foreign exchange and currency rate. The news section will cover dollar exchange rate, euro rate, forex rate, todays currency rate and exchange rate of today with other much interesting stuff about business news.

Now you can also calculate exchange rate of euro, dollar and other foreign exchange currencies to:
Gold to euro converter
Silver to euro converter
Bitcoin to dollar converter
Palladium to dollar converter
Platinum to bitcoin converter.
All with today currency rates with updated every minute exchange rates for today

Also now you can share your currency conversions or forex rates with your friends and colleagues as well with the new feature of sharing.

Download and enjoy effortless experience of currency conversions, currency exchange, money converter, money exchange and make your job easy with the free currency calculator, offline money converter converter, and easy to use currency converter and exchange rate calculator.

Last update

March 31, 2020

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