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Bit English Malayalam

Bit English Malayalam helps you speak the English language quickly. The app will assist you to improve your da...


Store review

Bit English Malayalam helps you speak the English language quickly. The app will assist you to improve your daily English conversation skills.

Bit English presents a lot of valuable phrases and sentences you will never think of unless you come across them. It contains plenty of common sentences used by native English speakers in everyday life.

It's a perfect spoken English app for native Malayalam speakers.

Top features

1. All grammar lessons made very simple with examples.
2. A practical approach for learning English through Malayalam.
3. Most common English-Malayalam conversations.
4. Audio feedback for every sentence.
5. English skill test and rating feature.
6. Grammar practice & phrases.
7. Pronunciation checker.
8. Learn English through Malayalam.

Store rating


out of

2022 reviews

Last update

March 29, 2020

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