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Audiobooks by AudiobookSTORE

Download our award-winning audiobook app and instantly play the audiobooks you purchase through the AudiobookS...


Store review

Download our award-winning audiobook app and instantly play the audiobooks you purchase through the website. Simply log into our audiobook app using the same account credentials you used when purchasing your audiobooks on and with a tap and a swipe you’ll be listening to your audiobooks in just minutes.

Since 2006, has been committed to delivering our listeners quality audiobook titles. We currently offer over 85,000 of the best-selling downloadable audiobooks that matter most to audio listeners, with thousands of highly demanded titles (both new releases and classics) added each month. Find audiobooks in every category, from the most recognized authors, and the most popular publishers in the industry.

Top Features:

Compatible with all Android phone and tablet devices
Download audiobooks lightning fast via wifi and/or cellular data network
Save audiobooks to SD Card storage
Integrated social features let you easily share with friends & family
Modern design that makes audiobook listening even more exciting!
Sleep timer
● Swipe-to-delete (list view) or long-press (grid view) removes audio files, while retaining audiobook details and bookmarks

Once you download the audiobook app you can enjoy your DRM free audiobooks purchased through Feel free to contact us for help via our website or through Twitter @Audiobook_Store

Last update

Dec. 7, 2019

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