"Bookshelf" is a book management application. You can manage the books that you have interest or you read. ...
"Bookshelf" is a book management application.
You can manage the books that you have interest or you read.
It can be used ISBN, barcode, QR code (*1) and searching results to register the books.
In the Bookshelf tab, you can browse the books that you have registered.
By tapping the book, view more detail.
By tapping the book long, the menu appears and you can choose "show it in detail", "edit its information" or "remove it".
Press the Menu button, you can move to the preference view.
On the detail view, the menu button can use for sharing the information of the book.
If you chose Barcode Scanner as sharing application, just ISBN is sent.
It is useful to introduce your favorite book to someone who use this application.
In the Search tab, you can search books by keywords (*3).
By tapping the search result, you can edit the information which obtained from search results.
By tapping the save button, you can save the information of the book.
In the Search tab, do a keyword search from the book (* 3).
By tapping the picture located the top of edit view, you can get the cover picture.
If you have not registered the purchase date of the book, "Buy it from Rakuten Books" button appears.
By tapping this button, you can go to shop (affiliate link).
In the Group tab, you can add and remove categories.
It is convenience in classification.
You can assign the category to books in the lump by tap your registered category. By long tap, you can change its name.
On edit view, you can also assign the category to the book.
Buttons of your registered group are assigned 2 functions. Tap is used to assign books in the lump. Long tap is used to change its name.
In the preference view, you can use export and import (*2) functions and edit text formats for share.
This application supports mushroom which is used in Japanese input method software. You can pick up the information of the book.
Please check https://sites.google.com/site/teibookshelfdev/english for more usages and questions.
Thank http://findicons.com/icon/38246/library for nice icon.
*1 You need to install Barcode Scanner ( https://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android ).
*2 "Import" takes a bit long time.
*3 Rakuten Books API is used. "Rakuten Books API" deals mainly Japanese books.
If you know more good translations, please tell me via e-mail or twitter.
122.0 KB
Last update
Feb. 7, 2020