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Social media and social network All in one app

Social media and social network All in one app provide all social media apps in single place with very low spa...


Store review

Social media and social network All in one app provide all social media apps in single place with very low space, now you can uninstall top social media apps in single click. we provide top social media apps in one place you can easily found every social media network in this app.

= very easy to use simple user interface for all social media networks.
= Its contain very low space on your mobile phone.
= This app contain all famous social media apps like Facebook whatsapp etc
= keep enjoying by using our app.

important notice
If any one of your favorite social media apps is missing, we can mail us we will try to add in very next update, your opinion is very important to us.


All websites featured in the app through a permission process, making sure content is reproduced post-contact via email, telephone, affiliate management services, etc. If the owners of any of the websites are to notice any violation of terms & conditions, please bring to our notice immediately via email.

All contents of the website are owned by the respective website. We have no copyright over the content/logo of other websites. For any details, please mail us. These third-party sites have separate and independent privacy policies and terms. Please read their privacy policy and terms and conditions carefully.

The Icons used are owned by respective companies, and the social app declares that it does not impersonate any brand. Icons have been used to show users the presence of such content inside the app.

Last update

Dec. 2, 2019

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