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NOTE: The original LeafPic is abandoned: This is...


Store review

NOTE: The original LeafPic is abandoned: This is a copy of the GitLab source code, updated to AndroidX, with some elements removed.


LeafPic is a fluid, material-designed alternative gallery, it also is ad-free and open source under GPLv3 license. It doesn't miss any of the main features of a stock gallery.

LeafPic offers 50 main colours, 9 accent colours, and 3 base themes: light, dark and amoled black, all surrounded by an immersive user experience which means that there are over 1,800 theme combinations to customise the app as you prefer!

You can easily manage your files with features like copy, move, rename and affix with a very nice user experience and a beautiful design. There is also a lightweight photo editor able to crop and rotate images.

We respect your privacy since the project is open source you can check what we do with your media.
You can hide folders ad access them with a password.

You can find the source code on github on

Last update

Nov. 26, 2019

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