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Solve the daily new Sudokus in different difficulties and compare your highscores to other users, or solve o...


Store review

Solve the daily new Sudokus in different difficulties and compare your highscores
to other users, or solve one of infinitely many random Sudokus. Beginners to experts will always find a challenge. You can even unlock big Sudokus of size 16 x 16.
Practice daily and keep track of your personal progress via a helpful diagram.
Furthermore, there is a Sudokus solver, with which arbitrary Sudokus can be solved, even step by step with explanations - ideal for beginners.
By solving Sudokus you earn bonus points, which can be used to play fun and especially challenging bonus Sudokus. In these for example the Sudoku rotates or the numbers swap.
Have fun!

Several exciting play modes: Sudoku of the Day, Random, Sprint, Big Sudoku
Seven challenging difficulty levels: very easy to diabolic
Play classical number Sudokus or pretty looking color Sudokus
Highscore list
Tracking of your solution times
Sudoku solver: Automatic solving of arbitrary Sudokus, if desired step by step with explanations
Fun bonus Sudokus

Last update

Dec. 27, 2019

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