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Statistics Manually

Statistics without statistical software package? Whether you want to (nostalgia?) or have to (cruel teach...


Store review

Statistics without statistical software package?

Whether you want to (nostalgia?) or have to (cruel teaching assistant?) calculate statistics by hand, "Statistics Manually" provides you with everything you need.

It contains a large collection of formulas of statistical methods common in the social sciences as well as the statistical tables needed to interpret your test results.
These tables not just cover the "standard" z-, t-,chi²-, F- and binomial distribution, but exact values for the Hartley's Fmax-test, the Mann-Whitney-U-test and Wilcoxon's signed ranked test. Of course you will find the formulas of these tests as well ;-)

To achieve best legibility all formulas are rendered on demand, hence it may take a few moments until they are displayed (especially at start-up). Please excuse this inconvenience and enjoy the crisp, freely zoomable formulas.

- Reports about errors and bugs are very much appreciated

@INTERNET ACCESS: permission is solely used to display ads. If you are concerned about it anyway, check out the ad-free pro version, which comes without the need for the internet access permission. Link:

formulary, formula collection, statistical tables, statistical distributions

Last update

Feb. 23, 2020

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