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Omiduta muzicala

Inca de la nastere, copilul dumneavoastra s-a orientat in noua lume, ghidat de sunete mai mult decat de imagin...

$ 1.20

Store review

Inca de la nastere, copilul dumneavoastra s-a orientat in noua lume, ghidat de sunete mai mult decat de imagini. Incepand cu glasul mamei si continuand cu primul carusel muzical, a fost fascinat de universul muzicii. Daca alegerea primului instrument muzical-jucarie v-a ridicat probleme, veti gasi in aceasta aplicatie nu doar un mod amuzant de a va tine copilul ocupat si fericit, ci posibilitatea de a-l familiariza cu sunetele celor mai diferite instrumente muzicale.

- invata prin joaca formele geometrice
- compune singur cantecelul preferat
- alege sa se bucure de sunetele diferitelor instrumente muzicale: pian, toba, trompeta, etc.

Programul face parte din seria de produse „PitiClic Bebe Primii pasi”, prima serie de programele dedicata copiilor intre 18-36 luni.

Simplu, amuzant, educativ si eficace!

Realizat de catre Infomedia Pro, producator de software educational cu o experienta de 16 ani in acest domeniu, realizator al seriilor de produse educationale interactive PitiClic, PitiClic Senior si PitiClic Activ.

Vizitati-ne pe si pe pagina noastra de facebook

Since birth, your baby has turned into the new world, guided by sound more than image. Since mother's voice and going to the first carousel music, was fascinated by the world of music. If choosing the first musical instrument toy will raise, you will find in this application not only a fun way to keep you child busy and happy, but the opportunity to become familiar with the sounds of various musical instruments.

- Learn by playing geometric shapes
- Compose one song Favorite
- Choose to enjoy the sounds of various musical instruments: piano, drums, trumpet, etc..

The program is part of the product "PitiClic Bebe - First Steps", the first series of programs dedicated to children between 18-36 months.

Simple, fun, educational and effective!

Powered by Infomedia Pro, maker of educational software with 16 years experience in this field, series producer of interactive educational products PitiClic, PitiClic PitiClic Senior and Active.

Visit us on on our facebook page / PitiClic

Store rating


out of

2 reviews


25.0 MB

Last update

Aug. 26, 2014

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