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Premium Music Search

Easily search for songs by their lyrics! If you only know part of the lyrics for a song but can't figure out ...

Expired  $ 4.99 $ 1.99

Store review

Easily search for songs by their lyrics! If you only know part of the lyrics for a song but can't figure out the title or artist, simply enter the lyrics you know and hit search! A list of matching songs will be provided. Just tap on a song and you will have instant access to open the song in the iTunes Store, YouTube, or Spotify.

*** Please note: This app is not affiliated with Spotify. You will need to have the Spotify app installed and a Spotify Premium subscription in order to open and play songs directly in Spotify. All other app features will work fine without Spotify installed.

Store rating


out of

426 reviews


4.9 MB

Last update

Nov. 28, 2019

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